Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fetal pig sectioned Day 16 1/20/09

This is a science exhibit that just arrived at our central office. I thought it was fake until I was corrected. It is in fact a sectioned fetal pig encased in fluid between two hard plastic plates. Ewww!! The other side shows the outside of the pig. This is my Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum who is holding the pig as she walked our halls announcing, "It's show and tell time!"

Monday, January 19, 2009

BHS Class of 1989 Day 15 1/19/09

This weekend I met back up with some middle school classmates of mine from Burlington, KS through Facebook. What a walk down memory lane! I scanned in some pictures that I had and then remembered that a former teacher had sent me a commencement book. These were pictures of the graduates. Yes, it was a very small town!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sleepy pup Day 13 1/18/09

Sleepy pup
Originally uploaded by cobannon
This is Baxter, my Bichon Frise. He likes to perch on the top of the sofa cushions, curl up, and sleep.

Mom and Dad's House Day 12 1/17/09

Mom and Dad's House
Originally uploaded by cobannon
This is where I lived during my late high school years.

One man tent...in my living room Day 11 1/16/09

I came home from work to find this pitched in my living room. It had just arrived earlier that day. My sons decided to try out the new "one" man tent together. It looks big, but it's a tight fit for two.